Introducing animation
 is a British children's television series created by Anne Wood and Steve Roberts. It first aired on February 23, 2015, on CBeebies, a popular channel for preschool programming. Produced by Ragdoll Productions, known for other successful children's shows like Teletubbies and In the Night Garden, Twirlywoos quickly gained popularity for its entertaining and educational content.


Cartoon Characters:

1. Great BigHoo:

   - The largest and most responsible member of the group. Great BigHoo has a deep voice and often leads the Twirlywoos on their adventures. He is curious and enjoys discovering new things, providing a sense of security and leadership for the other characters.


2. Toodloo:

   - Toodloo is energetic and playful, always ready to jump and explore. She brings a lively spirit to the group and encourages others to join in her fun. Toodloo's enthusiasm and joy are infectious, making her a beloved character among young viewers.


3. Chickedy and Chick:

   - These two are small, twin-like characters who are inseparable and curious. They often make the first discoveries and are always eager to learn. Chickedy and Chick's interactions and discoveries provide a source of humor and learning, emphasizing teamwork and collaboration.


Each character in Twirlywoos contributes to the overall dynamic of the show, making it an engaging and educational experience for preschool children. The characters' playful exploration of the world around them encourages young viewers to be curious, creative, and eager to learn.

The Twirlywoos cartoon was created by Anne Wood and Steve Roberts, who are instrumental in bringing the show to life.


Writer and creators

The Twirlywoos cartoon was created by Anne Wood and Steve Roberts, who are instrumental in bringing the show to life.

Anne Wood:

Anne Wood is a renowned British television producer known for her significant contributions to children's programming. She is the founder of Ragdoll Productions, a company famous for creating beloved children's shows such as Teletubbies and In the Night Garden. Wood's expertise in developing educational and entertaining content for young children has been crucial in the success of Twirlywoos. Her vision for Twirlywoos was to create a show that encourages curiosity, learning, and fun through playful storytelling and engaging characters.


Steve Roberts:

Steve Roberts is a writer and creator who worked alongside Anne Wood to develop Twirlywoos. With a background in writing for children's television, Roberts has a talent for crafting stories that are both entertaining and educational. His collaboration with Anne Wood resulted in a show that combines humor, adventure, and learning in a way that captivates preschool audiences. Roberts' creativity and understanding of young children's learning processes have been key to the show's appeal and effectiveness.

Together, Anne Wood and Steve Roberts have created a show that not only entertains but also supports the developmental needs of its young audience, making Twirlywoos a cherished program for preschoolers and their families.